Stack Emission testing is the process of evaluation of those gases and their degree of presence in atmosphere from industries to meet environmental standards. Mostly every manufacturing or operating unit of a company has a chimney, which is called as stack. It emits polluted or wasted gas into the air which increases pollution. Results obtained from this testing process benefits companies to stay within environmental compliance.
Pollutants released in air needs to be monitored in order to:
To ensure representative sample in order to get accurate results, there are some standard processes needs to be followed (e.g. Isokinetic sampling etc.) in stack emission monitoring procedures.
Also Industries are required to submit stack emission monitoring reports to government bodies (Pollution control boards) on a regular basis.
You can refer to benefits of stack emission testing section for more info.
Read More about Stack emission monitoring equipment
Any company who emits pollutants from stack are required to carry out stack emission testing process. It is applied to stationary source emissions e.g. stacks of power plants, manufacturing units, Diesel generators, scrubbers, boilers etc.
Some companies are required to monitor levels of Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and Volatile Organic compounds (VOC).
Read More about Stack Emission Monitoring Services
Stack monitoring frequency can differ for each industry. Some companies need to monitor weekly, monthly, bi-Monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly based on scale of emissions being discharged in environment.
Read More CPCB guidelines for Stack testing
The parameters for stack emission testing should have pollutants, flow rate and production during period of sampling
Common details and parameters for all types of industries:
Other parameters based on type of industry
After conducting stack emission testing procedure sample is sent to approved laboratory for further testing and After completion of tests and analysis stack emission testing report is created.
It should include following details:
Stack emission testing report can help companies to understand
Learn More about Benefits of Air Quality Testing
Perfect Pollucon services has vast experience in Stack emission testing along with The highly qualified and experienced staff can offer stack emission testing services.
In these many years our experts have done thorough research and have developed a sketch to efficiently deliver these benefits of stack emission testing services to our clients. We provide site assessment including health and safety for sampling sites.
Perfect Pollucon services offers environmental Services in India since 2007.